Monday, November 8, 2010

A Jesuit Way to Start Your Day

I really am very behind on my latest travel blog entries, but someone forwarded this poem to me today and I thought it was particularly poignant and meaningful.

Made me stop to think what I was doing to make a difference to the lives around me.

It's extracted from “Happiness Manufacturers", Fr Hedwig Lewis, S.J., a Jesuit in India.

Enjoy, and hopefully it will inspire you to action too.

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake a dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile can begin a friendship,
One handclasp can lift a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam can light up a room.
One candle can wipe out darkness,
One laugh can conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
Our hope can raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what’s true,
One life can make the difference,
You see, in the end, it’s all up to you!

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