Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Audi love affair

Hallo beautiful! Even the kitty is checking it out....
Photo credit: Adeline Wong

Bright and early the next morning, we waddled over to the Hertz branch office to pick up our car rental.
Not just any car rental, mind you. It was the Audi A1.
(this is when you all go: Oooooooooooh)
Couple weeks prior to our trip, Addii and I were going over details of our itinerary on Skype:
Addii: We could get a Hyundai Elantra for 150 euros for our car rental for the few days...
Me: Ok, sounds good enough. (Continue to surf the web for our lodging needs)
Addii: Or....for 20 euros more we could get an Audi A1. (pause for dramatic effect)
Me: Say what?? Wait....20 euros more per day or 20 euros more for the entire period?
Addii: 20 euros more for the entire thing.
And that’s how it came to be that we ended up picking up an Audi that morning.
Waiting to get the keys to the car was like the most exciting and longest wait ever. I felt like a kid waiting to open her Christmas presents. I wanted to bounce around like a child but felt compelled to behave appropriately lest Addii not let me drive ;)
And then finally the moment arrived. The weight of the keys in my hand. Opening the driver’s door. Sinking into the comfortable seats and ooohing and aahing at the multiple controls for all sorts of things that the dashboard offered.
To top it all off, our very kind Hertz executive said, “It’s a brand new car, ladies.”
The compact little black 2-door was perfect for us girls. It afforded Addii the luxury of fiddling with all sorts of dials and controls, and gave me the adrenaline rush of zooming from zero to 100km/h in no time at all. Plus, the cute little car silently hummed into “hibernate” mode whenever we stopped at a traffic light, only to rev to life instantaneously when I stepped on the accelerator again.
I was in love.
I still am.
Oh Audi, when will we meet again? *lament*
Photo credit: Adeline Wong

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